
EHIA Report – Healthcare Investing in Europe 

November 23rd 2023

CRS Group Managing Director and Compass Carter Osborne Director, Sam Leighton-Smith recently sat down with EHIA Executive Chair and CRS Non-Executive Chair, Henry Elphick, to discuss the leadership landscape of the private equity backed healthcare sector. 

The following questions were asked by Henry to Sam with which Sam answers these in extensive detail about his predictions within private healthcare over the next few years. 

  1. What do you see as the best opportunities for the investment community in the healthcare sector at the moment? 
  2. How do you see investors reacting to potentially a new government in 2025 (maybe 2024)? 
  3. What is your forecast for the remainder of 2023 and heading into 2024? 
  4. Why is board composition pre and post-transaction important to the success of healthcare investments?
  5. What advice would you give to healthcare investors trying to identify and recruit the most talented and suitable individuals for senior positions at their healthcare-related portfolio companies? 
  6. Have you observed any recent changes to the leadership landscape of PE backed healthcare business? 
  7. Why can it be helpful for private equity firms to use a specialist healthcare recruiter to fill senior positions in healthcare-related portfolio companies?

To read the full article here and Sam’s responses to each question, download the full transcript here:


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