Geoff is Non-Executive Advisor in Compass Carter Osborne, where he offers insight and experience gained from a career spanning 40 years in the life sciences sector.
Geoff has placed Board Chairs and Non-Executive Directors, CEOs, CFOs, scientific and corporate C-suite and global leaders into life sciences companies covering pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, genomics, digital health and life science research organisations.
Geoff also has over a decade of experience in-house in senior leadership roles in the life sciences sector. He has been Country General Manager based in Philadelphia, PA and Senior Vice-President; HR based in London for BTG plc. He has also worked for the Wellcome Trust during planning for the creations of The Francis Crick Institute, and earlier in his career he held HR roles with pharmaceutical, medical devices and biotechnology companies in the UK and USA.
A Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, he holds an Honours Deree from the University of Leeds, a Masers in Organisation Consulting from Ashridge College, and is a certified psychometric assessor and qualified coach. His PhD research focussed on leadership assessment and development.